È una scrittrice e musicista statunitense. Cofondatrice di Terraform, la rubrica di Motherboard dedicata alla sciencefiction. I suoi articoli sono apparsi su Vice, The Guardian, Wired e Rhizome. Fa parte del collettivo cyberfemminista DeepLab.
Connessione. Storia femminile di Internet (Luiss University Press 2020) è il suo primo libro.
Claire L. Evans is an American writer and musician. She is the singer and coauthor of the Grammy-nominated pop group YACHT, and the founding editor of Terraform, VICE’s science-fiction vertical. She is the former futures editor of Motherboard, and a contributor to VICE, Rhizome, The Guardian, WIRED, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Eye on Design, Quartz, OneZero, and Aeon. She is a member of the cyberfeminist collective Deep Lab.
Broad Band.
The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet (Portfolio 2018) is her first book.